Tuesday, 9 May 2017

International Breweries Plc

INTBREW, formed by Dr. Lawrence Omole in December 1971, did not start operation until 1978 when its flagship product, Trophy Lager, was first produced. It became a public company in April, 1994. Subsequently, the company got its share quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange a year later.  

In a bid to prevent the company from going under the company embarked on reorganisation of the business. In 2008 funds were sourced from the Nigerian Capital Market in order to put INTBREW on the pedestal of profitability and growth. In the same year the Warsteiner Group relinquished majority of its shareholding to the Castel Group, a French brewer. These climaxed in the overhaul of its operations and the subsequent resuscitation of the Trophy Lager beer. In addition, other world class brands were introduced to widen its product portfolio and its revenue base. In January 2012, SABMiller Plc, a South African brewer founded in 1895, entered into strategic alliance with the Castel Group. 

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